Sunday, March 29, 2009

A woman I'd love to have a conversation with

My grandmother died when I was 9. I loved her so much. She was an Irish immigrant who raised 10 children - many years on her own because my grandfather died at a young age. She always felt inferior and was a quiet, humble, hard-working woman. I have so many wonderful memories spending time with her. I'd love to be able to talk with her now that I am older and wiser. I'd like to hear of her life in Ireland.

A woman who I'm is awe of

This is my daughter. She is an amazing person. She is talented, smart, pretty, clever. She has overcome so much. While in school, she was bullied and her life was made hell by several nasty people. It was heart-breaking for her and for us. But, she managed to struggle through it. She now is in a wonderful place. She is married to a great guy and has the most fantastic baby I know! She's going back to school and doing well. She is loved by so many people and is greeted lovingly wherever she goes. I am so proud of her and all she's achieved. She is so strong and has worked so hard to become such an amazing person.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A woman who touched my life in a major way

She's not really a woman yet, but is a female. And, she's touched my life in a way no other person has. It is amazing to become a mother and there's nothing like it...until you become a grandmother. Anna is the sun, moon, and stars to me. I'm sure there aren't many people who know me that don't already know this! I was with her the moment she was born. I went to Syracuse every day she was in NICU. We started babysitting her at 2 months old when our daughter went back to college. Watching her grow and become a little person has been an experience I wouldn't trade for all the gold in the world. She's changed my life. I am working at being healthier because of her. I am a happier person because of her. I am more tolerant with life because of her. There is no way to explain the feeling I get when she sees me and her eyes light up and she shouts out "Grandmama" and opens her arms for me to hold her.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

A woman who you laugh so hard I cry with

This would be my friend, Sharon. We can be having a very nice, normal conversation when one of us hears something and just starts laughing. Then the other gets laughing and we can't stop. We also met through the SS scrapping message board. We have been through a lot together. It amazes me still that we can be such great friends and so close, but have only known each other for a few years and see each other a couple of times a year. But those few times are filled with so much fun and laughter.

A woman who can finish my sentences

This would be my friend Mary. I've only known her a few years, but it is like we have cloned lives. We met through SS - a scrapping message board. We've traveled to several retreats together. At night we spend a lot of time talking which means we solve the problems of the world. We discovered we married the same man. We get a lot of laughs over that. The last time we were together, I said that I had married my mother. She got laughing - said she's said she married her mother, too. If one of us says "I was thinking the same thing", the other will say "Of course you were"! We've even sent each other the same email at almost the same time. I get to spend this Sunday with Mary at a scrapping event. I can't wait to talk with her.

A woman who made me want to be a mom

This would be my mom. She is a wonderful mother. We had so much fun when we were kids. We made cookies, played games, read. Holidays were always so special. There were decorations and little things to make the holiday memorable. Of course there were times when she wasn't my favorite person, but that is another reason she is a great mom. We were taught to be kind, selfless, respectful, helpful people.

I thought my mom was the norm, but didn't know otherwise until I was "old"! She made us a family and that is what I wanted. I just hope I have given my children some of what my mother gave me.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A woman I wish was still here with me

I miss my aunt. She lived down the street from us when we moved here for about 17 years. She and my uncle retired to FL where they lived for 15 years. We wrote letters back and forth, then emailed. They moved back to town (right around the corner) last spring because she was sick and I believe wanted to come home. She died last October when I was away for the weekend. I visited her the night before I left. I knew it wouldn't be long, but didn't expect it to be so soon.

She was a great person. She spoke her mind - you always knew where you stood with her. She was a party girl! We had some great times together. Back in 1976, her neighbor was very upset that nothing was being done in our town for the 200th birthday of our country so he organized a parade. We all dressed up as 1776 people and had a parade on July 4th. We were asked to be in many parades that summer. It was something none of us will ever forget and something we talked about the last time I visited her.

Another great memory is Belgian waffles. Every so often a bunch of us would take our waffle makers to someone's house and have a waffle fest! Some in my family love dried beef gravy. Whenever my other aunt would visit, she'd always make that and the three of us plus my daughter would enjoy the feast. A couple days after she died, my daughter suggested I make dried beef gravy dinner for all of us in her honor. We really enjoyed it and knew my aunt would get a chuckle out of us doing that.

After they moved back, Anna and I would go for walks. I'd push the stroller up the ramp that was built for her wheelchair and we'd visit. It was great having her back here even for a short time. I know I am going to miss her more this spring when we go for walks and she's not there to visit.

Monday, March 09, 2009

March Challenge

This month is "Women's History Month" and St. Patrick's Day. We have a list of questions to answer about 7 special women we are lucky to have in our lives. I'll be back!