Wednesday, May 10, 2006

OBX Album

I have finished my OBX album!!! I am so excited. Last summer my family spent a week at the Outer Banks with my two brothers' families. It was the best vacation we've ever had. Everything was perfect. I took a lot of pictures.

For Christmas, I gave my six nieces and nephews each a small album of the trip. That almost burned me out. I had to copy pictures, do a lot of the same layouts, and finish six albums in a short amount of time. The kids loved them because of all the wonderful memories they'll have forever from that vacation.

I went to a retreat two weeks ago and did over 50 pages. While I was there, I realized I was missing some pictures. I found them and finished the album this week. I can't believe I did a whole album in a total of 4 days(2 at the retreat and 2 at home). I am so far behind in my scrapping. I want to work, work, work on albums. For the past two years I have made too many albums as gifts. That is going to stop!! I am going to scrap for ME. It took this retreat to get back my passion for scrapping.

I'm off to put on the page protectors!

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