Monday, June 12, 2006

35 years............

Today is Jay's and my 35th wedding anniversary. I can't believe it because I think of myself as 35 years old!!

All morning my mind has been playing a video of our life. Thank goodness I am remembering the happy things right now. I don't want to think about the people who have left and start crying.

Jay gave me a huge bouquet of daisies. This has always been my favorite flower. It was the flower for the bridemaids' bouquets at our wedding. Their dresses were pink with tiny daisies on them. I haven't thought about that in so long! And, it struck me that our daughter, Molly, who was married in October had pink dresses with black flocked flowers. So, she is a little like me I guess.

Jay has golf league on Mondays. He wanted to get a sub for tonight, but I told him not to. I know how he loves to play golf. I will meet him after and we'll have dinner at the club house.

Doing something special today isn't that important to me because we are together all day, every day now. We are retired and spend most of our time together. That is the best part of being retired. So far - almost two years - it has gone well. We haven't gotten on each other's nerves yet.

Guess it is true love!

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