Tuesday, April 25, 2006


1. The act or process of withdrawing, especially from something hazardous, formidable, or unpleasant.
2. The process of going backward or receding from a position or condition gained.
3. A place affording peace, quiet, privacy, or security.
4. A period of seclusion, retirement, or solitude.

5. A place of sharing your love of scrapbooking and your friendship where you feel free to laugh, cry, dance, sing, eat whatever you want, wear whatever you want, forget the world and have a good time.

Before August 2004, my first thought when I heard this word would have been #1-2. I guess that would be from history classes.

Now that I'm a scrapper and have found the world of "retreats", my thoughts tend to go with #3-4 when I hear this word.

Actually, I think there needs to be a new definition! Although our scrapping retreats favor #3-4, I think we need to add #5!

This past weekend was spent with a fantastic group of scrapping ladies. The adventure started Thursday night at my house. I live in the town where the CNY Retreat is held. Three ladies from New Jersey and five Canadians arrived on Thursday so they wouldn't miss any of the retreat on Friday. Since they were in town, I thought I'd invite them to get together at my house. I already knew six of them from previous retreats, so knew it would be a good time. My husband was wonderful to help me clean and get ready. There was great anticipation waiting for them to arrive.

What an interesting evening! We started right in yakking away and laughing a lot. It got quite wild when one of the Canadians nonchalantly mentioned the Mexican Mennonites in her area. We who live south of the border had never heard of them and roared. Then she told a story about the Bandito Bikers. It went on from there!! At 12:30 am, they headed to the hotel.

Friday and Saturday were the big scrapping days. 24 women got together to share their love of scrapbooking. There was also a lot of sharing stories, laughter, and love. On Sunday morning after brunch, most packed up and headed home with lots of hugs, tears, and promises of more retreats to attend - even across the border into Canada.

Now when I hear the word 'retreat', I think of a gathering of people who want to have a wonderful time for a few days and just enjoy life.

1 comment:

tosin said...

So sad to have missed it. Can't wait to see you next time!

(Plus, there's a matter of two pages.....)

