Friday, April 07, 2006

The Chosen One

My 16 year old niece asked me to be her sponsor for her Confirmation.

First of all, I was shocked. I don't know why she chose me! Then, I was thrilled. It is very hard for me to take compliments or things of that nature, so I try to figure out why someone would pick me over others. But, I am thrilled that she did choose me. I love all my nieces and nephews to pieces and try to do special things for them to let them know they are special to me. [We had an aunt who we thought was great when we were little, but as we/she got older she became nasty. So, it has always been my fear that the kids will like me when they are little, but dislike me as they get older.]

We had rehearsal on Tuesday night. After, Haley asked me if she could drive our car home. Of course I let her. We took the long way. I gave her a few pointers and she had fun.

Last night we had dinner at her house before church. My whole family was there, plus my mom. She was thrilled with the SONIC gift card we gave her. There is one near the house we rent at OBX and the kids love it, especially since there are none in New York state.

The service was very nice. Haley looked beautiful. She did a wonderful job with her reading. The best part was when it was her turn to go up to the Bishop, the huge smile she had on her face when we left our pews to go down the aisle.

I know this whole adventure was more meaningful to me than to Haley just because she picked me to be her sponsor.

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