Thursday, May 01, 2008

Warning - gross post

I have put this off way too long. I am having a colonoscopy tomorrow. I truly dread it. I know it is stupid, but I am very afraid they may find something wrong - no reason to think that; I just do. Everyone says that today is worse than tomorrow. I can suffer through today if tomorrow is ok.

Of course I woke up this morning absolutely starving! I think I could eat a McDonald's Big Breakfast, the Hungry Man Breakfast at VJ's Diner, and a few donuts on the side. I can have water, jello, plain tea, Gatorade (which I don't drink), popsicles, and boullion.

I asked my niece if I could wear my pjs to the hospital so that when I come home I can just jump in bed. She told me the high school kids wear pants like my pjs to school all the time. I know DH will think I'm crazy and give me a hard time. Probably by then all I'll care about is the pizza I'll order after this is over!

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