Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dynamic Leader

I read a challenge to blog about words.

The words "dynamic leader" crossed my path this week in reference to the new superintendent at our school. When I saw this, I was upset as I am in disagreement with a lot of what she is doing and how she is handling things. That was when I thought dyanmic leader meant something good. I have been doing a lot of thinking about this, especially after attending the annual budget hearing the other night. I asked questions that weren't answered - she just did not answer them. There was no presentation of the budget or talk about money. We heard about all the programs she's adding and all the wonderful changes she's making. She is a leader - the head of the school. She is dynamic - forceful; characterized by change and activity. So, she is a dynamic leader by definition. Dynamic leader does not have a positive connotation to me now.

In my thinking, I know I have been comparing her to the newly-retired superintendent who led our school for 15 years. He was not the most popular man with the teachers as they were sometimes told no, and teachers don't take no for an answer well. (I can say this because I was a teacher for 33 years, lived education, and saw it all.) But, he was a fair man. He did what was best for all. He didn't "play games". He didn't favor anyone. He was unassuming and just did his job.

I've decided a good leader is like a good ref. You should be able to watch a ball game without the ref being a focal point of the game. You know he is there. He has control. He makes it work. He is almost invisible.

Our former superintendent was a good ref. He was a real leader.

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