Friday, June 26, 2009

I dropped a bed on my toe

Yes, I did. I was moving a bed to rearrange a room and this big, heavy wooden frame landed on my big toe. My first thought was blood, then no toe nail. But, there was no blood. I really don't think I even broke it. It turned purple very quickly and hurt like crazy. I was supposed to get a pedicure the following day but thought better of it. When I got there to have my nails done, they talked me into it. It didn't hurt and of course I loved the pedicure. I think the polish helps to hide the real mess.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I need a new dictionary

What does the word "stop" mean? The past week I have seen at least 10 drivers drive up to a stop sign and keep right on going. Some of them don't even slow down. I've heard of the "rolling stop" where the driver slows down to a crawl and doesn't come to a complete stop, but this is just dangerous. I only pray no one I love or know is the recipient of one of these non-stop violations.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Is it my fault?

Maybe if I change my background design it will stop raining. The problem is, I don't know how to do it!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

How can I be so busy?

I thought that when I retired I'd have a life of leisure. It seemed that way for a couple of years, but now we are so busy I find myself in stress! I had a phone call the other day and the person asked me if I am gearing up for the big July 4th celebration in Hamilton. When I said not yet, he asked if I am a party pooper. I told him that I had a scrap day on Saturday, baby sitting on Monday, doll class on Tuesday, my niece's graduation on Thursday, her party on Friday, relatives visiting from Sunday to Sunday, an endoscopy on a Tuesday. Then maybe I could think about the 4th of July. I need to convince myself that being busy beats the alternative!